airport_info :%airport%[INFORMATION]%info%[ ] at_time :[AT] [TIME]%atime%[ ] approach_type :[EXPECT %apptype% APPROACH][ ] auto :[AUTOMATIC WEATHER REPORT][ ] rwy_use :[RUNWAY]%actrwy%[IN USE][ ] arr_rwy :[ARRIVAL RUNWAY]%arrrwy%[ ] dep_rwy :[DEPARTURE RUNWAY]%deprwy%[ ] rwy_seprt :[and][ ] rwy_or :[or][ ] txt_and :[and][ ] meters :[METERS][ ] kilometers :[KILOMETERS][ ] miles :[MILES][ ] feet :[FEET][ ] trlevel :[TRL]%trl%[ ] sfccond :[surface condition]%rwy_state%[ ] sfccond_arr :[surface condition]%rwy_state_arr%[ ] sfccond_dep :[surface condition]%rwy_state_dep%[ ] sfccond_one :[surface condition]%rwy_state_one%[ ] sfccond_all :[surface condition]%rwy_state_all%[ ] rwy_state :snoclo:[the aerodrome is closed due to contamination of the runways][ ] rwy_state :rwy_use:[ ] rwy_state :one_rwy:[RUNWAY]%condrwy%[ ] rwy_state :all_rwy:[all runways][ ] rwy_state :old_rep:[previous surface condition][ ] deposit :0:[clear and dry][ ] deposit :1:[damp][ ] deposit :2:[wet][ ] deposit :3:[surface on rime or frost][ ] deposit :4:[surface on dry snow][ ] deposit :5:[surface on wet snow][ ] deposit :6:[surface on slush][ ] deposit :7:[surface on ice][ ] deposit :8:[surface on compacted or rolled snow][ ] deposit :9:[surface on frozen ruts or ridges][ ] deposit :nil:[ ] contamination :1:[deposits below 10 percent][ ] contamination :2:[deposits 10 to 25 percent][ ] contamination :5:[deposits 25 to 50 percent][ ] contamination :9:[deposits more than 50 percent][ ] contamination :nil:[ ] depth :00to90:[in depth]%depth%[mm][ ] depth :92to97:[in depth]%depth%[cm][ ] depth :98:[in depth]40[cm or more][ ] depth :99:[closed due clearance in progress][ ] depth :nil:[ ] friction :00to90:%friction%[ ] friction :95:[good][ ] friction :94:[medium to good][ ] friction :93:[medium][ ] friction :92:[medium to poor][ ] friction :91:[poor][ ] friction :99:[unmeasurable][ ] friction :nil:[ ] friction :main0090:[braking action][ ] friction :main9195:[friction coefficient][ ] other_conds :rwy_clrd:[cleared of deposits][ ] other_conds :nil:[ ] wind :%wind_grp%[ ] wind_grp :main:[WIND]%wdeg%[DEGREES]%wkt%[KNOTS] wind_grp :vrb:[WIND VARIABLE]%wkt%[KNOTS] wind_grp :calm:[WIND CALM] wind_grp :gust:[MAXIMUM]%gkt%[KNOTS][ ] wind_grp :variable:[VARIABLE BETWEEN]%vmin%[AND]%vmax%[DEGREES] visibility :%visibility_grp%[ ] visibility_grp :main:[VISIBILITY] visibility_grp :dist:%vism_u% visibility_grp :9999:[VISIBILITY]10[KILOMETERS] visibility_grp :N:[NORTH] visibility_grp :NE:[NORTHEAST] visibility_grp :E:[EAST] visibility_grp :SE:[SOUTHEAST] visibility_grp :S:[SOUTH] visibility_grp :SW:[SOUTHWEST] visibility_grp :W:[WEST] visibility_grp :NW:[NORTHWEST] visibility_grp :NDV:[NO DIRECTIONAL VARIATION] rvr :%rvr_grp%[ ] rvr_grp :main:[RUNWAY VISUAL RANGE] rvr_grp :rvr_rwy:[RUNWAY]%rvrrwy% rvr_grp :rvr:%rvrminm_u_n% rvr_grp :rvr_min:%rvrminm% rvr_grp :rvr_max:[TO]%rvrmaxm_u% rvr_grp :rvr_u:[UPGRADING] rvr_grp :rvr_d:[DOWNGRADING] rvr_grp :rvr_n:[NEUTRAL] rvr_grp :rvr_m:[LESS THAN]%rvrminm_u_n% rvr_grp :rvr_p:[MORE THAN]%rvrminm_u_n% rvr_grp :rvr_min_m:[LESS THAN]%rvrminm% rvr_grp :rvr_min_p:[MORE THAN]%rvrminm% rvr_grp :rvr_max_m:[TO LESS THAN]%rvrmaxm_u% rvr_grp :rvr_max_p:[TO MORE THAN]%rvrmaxm_u% weather :%weather_grp%[ ] weather_grp :NSW:[NO SIGNIFICANT WEATHER] weather_grp :and:[AND] weather_grp :heavy:[HEAVY] weather_grp :moderate:[MODERATE] weather_grp :light:[LIGHT] weather_grp :VC:[IN THE VICINITY] weather_grp :DZ:[DRIZZLE] weather_grp :RA:[RAIN] weather_grp :SN:[SNOW] weather_grp :SG:[SNOW GRAINS] weather_grp :PL:[ICE PELLETS] weather_grp :DS:[DUSTSTORM] weather_grp :SS:[SANDSTORM] weather_grp :FZDZ:[FREEZING DRIZZLE] weather_grp :FZRA:[FREEZING RAIN] weather_grp :FZUP:[FREEZING PRECIPITATION] weather_grp :SHGR:[SHOWERS OF HAIL] weather_grp :SHGS:[SHOWERS OF SMALL HAIL] weather_grp :SHRA:[SHOWERS OF RAIN] weather_grp :SHSN:[SHOWERS OF SNOW] weather_grp :TSGR:[THUNDERSTORM WITH HAIL] weather_grp :TSGS:[THUNDERSTORM WITH SNOW GRAINS] weather_grp :TSPL:[THUNDERSTORM WITH ICE PELLETS] weather_grp :TSRA:[THUNDERSTORM WITH RAIN] weather_grp :TSSN:[THUNDERSTORM WITH SNOW] weather_grp :FZ:[FREEZING] weather_grp :UP:[UNKNOWN PRECIPITATION] weather_grp :IC:[ICE CRYSTALS] weather_grp :FG:[FOG] weather_grp :BR:[MIST] weather_grp :SA:[SAND] weather_grp :DU:[WIDESPREAD DUST] weather_grp :HZ:[HAZE] weather_grp :FU:[SMOKE] weather_grp :VA:[VOLCANIC ASH] weather_grp :SQ:[SQUALLS] weather_grp :PO:[DUST WHIRLS] weather_grp :FC:[FUNNEL CLOUD] weather_grp :TS:[THUNDERSTORM] weather_grp :BCFG:[PATCHES OF FOG] weather_grp :BLDU:[BLOWING DUST] weather_grp :BLSA:[BLOWING SAND] weather_grp :BLSN:[BLOWING SNOW] weather_grp :DRDU:[LOW DRIFTING DUST] weather_grp :DRSA:[LOW DRIFTING SAND] weather_grp :DRSN:[LOW DRIFTING SNOW] weather_grp :FZFG:[FREEZING FOG] weather_grp :MIFG:[SHALLOW FOG] weather_grp :PRFG:[PARTIAL FOG] weather_grp :SH:[SHOWER] weather_grp :GR:[hail] weather_grp :GS:[small hail] cloud :%cloud_grp% cloud_grp :CAVOK:[CAVOK] cloud_grp :FEW:[FEW]%cumulus%%cloudft_u% cloud_grp :SCT:[SCATTERED]%cumulus%%cloudft_u% cloud_grp :BKN:[BROKEN]%cumulus%%cloudft_u% cloud_grp :OVC:[OVERCAST]%cumulus%%cloudft_u% cloud_grp :SKC:[SKY CONDITIONS CLEAR] cloud_grp :NSC:[NO SIGNIFICANT CLOUDS] cloud_grp :NCD:[NO CLOUDS DETECTED] cloud_grp :CLR:[CLR] cloud_grp :CB:[CB] cloud_grp :TCU:[TCU] cloud_grp :AC:[AC] cloud_grp :CI:[CI] cloud_grp :SC:[SC] cloud_grp :ST:[ST] cloud_grp :VV:[VERTICAL VISIBILITY]%cloudft_u% cloud_grp :nil: cloud_grp :clouds:[CLOUDS] cloud_grp :ceiling: temperature :%temperature_grp%[ ][ ] temperature_grp :main:[TEMPERATURE]%tempc%[DEW POINT]%dewc% temperature_grp :minus:[-] temperature_grp :plus:[+] altimeter :[QNH]%hpa%[ ] altimeter_qfe :qfe:[QFE]%qfe% altimeter_qfe :alt:[ALTITUDE]%qfealt% recent :[RECENT]%recent_grp%[ ] windshear :%windshear_grp%[ ] windshear_grp :single:[WINDSHEAR]%wsrwy% windshear_grp :all:[WINDSHEAR ALL RUNWAYS] sea :%sea_grp%[ ] sea_grp :temp:[SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE]%seac% sea_grp :state:[SEA STATE]%seastat% nosig :[NOSIG][ ] tempo :main:[TEMPORARY]%fm%%tl%%at%[ ] tempo :FM:[AFTER]%fm_n% tempo :AT:[AT]%at_n% tempo :TL:[BY]%tl_n% becmg :main:[BECOMING]%fm%%tl%%at%[ ] becmg :FM:[AFTER]%fm_n% becmg :AT:[AT]%at_n% becmg :TL:[BY]%tl_n% advise :[ACKNOWLEDGE INFORMATION]%info%[ON FIRST CONTACT][ ] trend :[TREND] depp_rwy :[DEPARTURE RUNWAY]%deprwy%[ ] rwyp_use :[RUNWAY]%actrwy%[IN USE][ ] arrp_rwy :[ARRIVAL RUNWAY]%arrrwy%[ ]
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